


Hyper-Personallised AI that helps you improve your ski technique.

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Your Data. Your Asset. Your AI.

Share your CARBIO and your DOWNHILLS with your friends and family.

Augmented Experience - Skitag APP
Augmented Experience - Skitag APP

Carving Biometrics


Teach your customizable AI (CARBIO) to measure your Carving Style Ski style, Speed Ski balance and Path Carving.


Take a look at your Carving Style Ski style. Is it efficient? Do you drift while turning left or right?

Augmented Experience - Skitag APP
Augmented Experience - Skitag APP


iPhone. iPad

Record and watch your Carving Biometrics in your iPhone. Train your customizable AI in your iPad if you prefer a bigger screen.


No, you do not need to SIGN UP to Skitag in any way. You only have to have your iCloud account SIGNED ON to be able to sync your data throughout your devices.

There are two types of data within the Skitag ecosystem. On one hand, there is data related to your SKI SESSION: distance, speed, elevation and latitude and longitude location. On the other hand, there is the data related to your CARVING BIOMETRICS obtained from the on-device accelerometer and gyroscope. That information is transformed into ski efficiency, ski balance and ski path.

You are the only owner of the data. Skitag does not access to it.

The data is stored locally on the device that collects it (your iPhone). The data is then synced between the other devices associated with your iCloud ID. No one else but you will have access to your information, unless you decide to share your CARBIO or your DOWNHILLS using a QR pass code.

Skitag has two AI engines inside. One that measures your SKI SESSION. This is one is free of charge. The other one measures your CARVING BIOMETRICS (CARBIO). This is a non-consumable product that has a price. You'll get unlimited access to your customizable AI Engine once you pay for it. Skitag AI Systems guarantee that you’ll be able to surpass a CARBIO accuracy of 90%. Note: You'll have unlimited access while your CARBIO accuracy is below 90% and above 85%, or you'll have free access to your first five downhills recorder while having a CARBIO with an accuracy above 90%. Then, you must buy a CARBIO to visualize your next downhills and carving biometrics.

Yes. Unfortunately, so far this Skitag App 2023 version is only available on iOS. Sorry about that to all the Android users. Nevertheless, we foresee a future in the short term where the Skitag App will also be available in Android devices. Be patient! It won’t take long. Thanks for your understanding.

Step 1: Download the Skitag App from the App Store. No user nor password needed.

Step 2: Go to your favorite Ski Resort. Get ready to start enjoying an augmented ski experience. Open the Skitag App. Press the start button. A stopwatch will start to count your ski session timing. It means the device is now recording. Wear your mobile in a place that is comfortable and stable (e.g. in your trousers pocket). Using mobile protection cases might keep the device more stable and protected in case of crash.

Step 3: Record your first FOUR downhills. It is the minimum quantity of information that the Skitag AI System needs to build your customized AI engine.

Step 4: Go to the DOWNHILLS screen. Select one DOWNHILL. Press the WAVEFORM button to access the labeling tool. Tap the button in the center of the screen to navigate between the three possible ski paths: Pitch, Roll and Yaw. Press the WAVEFORM+ button to save that choice. Once you select a path (e.g. yaw), the rest of the downhills will only show you that path. If you want to change it, you must delete your CARBIO and start all over again. Note: There is no gold standard for all. It's 100% a custom decision. It will depend on how you are wearing your smartphone while you are skiing or snowboarding.
Choose the area that best resembles the kind of CARVING BIOMETRICS you are willing to measure; i.e. clean and clear turn paths. This action will amplify the area of interest so you can have a better look at your turns details and shape. Choose the best points that resemble your CARVING. For a turn, whether it is a right or a left turn, choose only the points that are far away from the center. For the transition path, choose the points that are located in the central area. Make sure you are choosing all possible points of your area of interest. Avoid labeling the outliers; i.e. noisy points located outside what looks like a regular path. Upload the labeled dataset by pressing the CHIP button. Repeat this process as many times as possible. Remember that you will need at least 4 downhills to train your first CARBIO. Afterwards, the next datasets uploaded will be used to update your existing CARBIO.

Step 5: Go back to the Home Screen. Press the CARBIO card. Press the PLUS button to train from scratch your first CARBIO, or the REFRESH button to update an existing CARBIO. Remember that you need at least four labeled downhills to complete this task. Wait a few seconds. It won't take long.

Step 6: On average you’ll see that your CARBIO’s accuracy is close to 70% or 80%. If you are lucky, or your carving data is perfect, you could see something close to 90%.

Step 7: Record another downhill. Repeat the labeling process of Step 4, and then repeat the training process of Step 5. This time it is an update of your existing AI engine.

Step 8: Repeat Step 5 until you feel comfortable with your CARBIO’s accuracy value. Remember, you need a CARBIO’s accuracy above 90% to start seeing your Ski Style, Ski Balance and Ski Path.

Step 9: Record your Ski Sessions. Remember to wear your iPhone always in the same place so your AI can accurately predict your downhill movements, and remember to make sure the stopwatch is running so the Skitag App is reading and processing your CARBIO.

Step 10: It is time to enjoy your Skitag Augmented Ski Experience. Take a look at your ski metrics while you are enjoying a break, while you are having your favorite drink together with your friends, or while you are going uphill in the chairlift. Just “Keep calm and Skitag everywhere!

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